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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Link (Zelda) Wall Mural

My boyfriend is a huge fan of the Legend of Zelda video game series. When redoing our bedroom we decided that one wall would be Mario Brothers (almost completed wall HERE). Another smaller wall would be dedicated to Link. 
I use a projector to put the design on the wall, because it is so much simpler than trying to draw a design on. My boyfriend, tried to be helpful during this project. He traced it on the wall, but didn't tell me till after he had painted some of the base colors that the projector had moved and that he had tried to realign it the best he could. 

Long story short, this wall mural has been a challenge, to not only paint, but fix errors that occurred during the tracing step, when the projector moved.  Although my boyfriend does continue to help, by rinsing paint palette off, getting me fresh water to rinse my brushes in, he doesn't help me with the wall anymore. I am using basic craft paint that you can usually buy at any major retailer or on the internet,  to actually paint the design on the wall. I also use a paint drying retarder so that I can blend the colors. Its all about the shading.

Here is my progress so far. 
 The first picture is the work my boyfriend did while I was at work. He didnt realize that I hadn't quite finished painting the clouds yet. I can't seem to find the pictures I took of work done in between this picture and the next one. So a lot of the work isn't documented.

 As you can see I completely changed the background clouds. I didn't really care for the ones I had started. Also, my boyfriend decided to paint the base colors as seen in the first picture, over the clouds I hadn't quite finished yet. So, decided since I had to finish painting them anyways, I might as well go ahead and touch them up better, before I had to really get down to the detail work on Link.
Keep in mind this is still a work in progress. A lot of the details are not painted yet. Clean up around the edges still needs to be done. His hair isn't completed yet. I really think his left foot (right if you are looking at it) is too short.

Close up of his shirt, shield, and scabbard. 

More posts to come once more work is completed and he is finally finished. 

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